How to Buy Avorak AI Tokens

Avorak AI
5 min readMar 1, 2023



This walkthrough will be divided into two sections,

1- The Registration Process
2- The Purchase Process

Registration Process

1- Visit website and click on BUY AVRK button found on the top right corner, or simply go to this link

2- Fill the required information, then click Create Account,

3- Now, you have to verify your email. You will find the verification email either in your Inbox or Spam/Junk* folder.

4- Open the email you’ve received in your Inbox, and click Confirm Email Address

5- You will be redirected to this page

What to do if you receive the email in your Spam folder in Gmail?

1- Open the email

2- Click the small arrow in the email header to confirm it is a legit email

3- Once you confirm the email is legit, click Looks Safe

4- The email will be moved automatically to Inbox folder

5- Open the email again from Inbox folder, then click Confirm Email Address

6- You will be redirected to this page

What to do if you receive the email in your Junk folder in Hotmail/Outlook?

1- Open the email

2- Click on the sender’s email to confirm it’s legit

3- A pop up tab will appear. Confirm that the sender email is then close it

4- Click It’s not junk

5- A pop up tab will appear. Click OK

6- The email will be moved automatically to Inbox folder

7- Open the email again from Inbox folder, then click Confirm Email Address

8- You will be redirected to this page

Congratulations, you now have an account on Avorak AI, and you can participate in the ICO.

Purchase Process

1- Visit website and click on BUY AVRK button found on the top right corner, then click Sign in instead or simply go to this link

2- Enter your login details, then click Sign In

3- Click Buy AVRK

4- Select the token that you want to purchase AVRK with, you can select on the tokens below,

ETH (Use ERC20 or Ethereum Network only)
USDT (Use ERC20 or Ethereum Network only)
BUSD (Use BEP20 or Binance Smart Chain only)
BNB (Use BEP20 or Binance Smart Chain only)
BTC (Use BTC or Bitcoin Network only)

5- Insert the number of AVRK tokens you want to purchase in the Contribution Box and the equivalent amount in the token you’ve selected will be displayed right next to it. The Bonus and Total AVRK you’re going to receive will be displayed in the box below the Contribution Box

6- Click Make Payment

7- Tick the boxes Purchase AVRK and I hereby agree to the token purchase agreement and token sale term. then click Buy Token Now

8- A pop up will appear and you will be given a UNIQUE address to send the requested amount to. Copy the address, then go to your wallet and send the mentioned amount to the address you’ve copied.

Important Notes:

8–1- If you pay more than the amount you’ve selected, you will get extra AVRK tokens equivalent to the amount you’ve actually paid

8–2- Always use the correct network to send the crypto you’ve selected. You WILL NOT receive your tokens and WILL LOSE YOUR FUNDS if you send via incorrect networks

ETH (Use ERC20 or Ethereum Network only)
USDT (Use ERC20 or Ethereum Network only)
BUSD (Use BEP20 or Binance Smart Chain only)
BNB (Use BEP20 or Binance Smart Chain only)
BTC (Use BTC or Bitcoin Network only)

8–3- If you still can’t see your tokens in your Dashboard after 60 minutes, contact the Live Support on our website to ensure everything is alright and fix the issue

9- Click on the Dashboard button then click on the Add button to add the Receiving Wallet which will receive the tokens after the ICO is over, then click Add Wallet

Important Notes:

9–1- You must enter a BEP20 which is also known as Binance Smart chain or BNB Chain wallet address to receive your tokens, however, DO NOT USE an exchange wallet. You can only use Trustwallet or Metamask or any DeFi wallet that accepts custom BEP20 tokens. If you use an exchange wallet you WILL NOT receive your tokens and WILL LOSE YOUR FUNDS.

9–2- You have to

make sure to add your Receiving Wallet before the ICO ends or by the time the team makes an announcement to do so

9–3- If you don’t know how to get your BEP20 address, make sure to contact Avorak AI Live Support on the website or Mods on Telegram or Discord



Avorak AI

Avorak (AVRK) synergizes blockchain technology and AI to create cutting-edge AI chatbots, image-creation tools, and trading bots.